Monday, December 27, 2010

Family Photos

To me Christmas is all about family.  It is about being thankful for what you have.  Although there are a few people missing from my family, I am so thankful for the family I do have.  I can honestly say that I would not be the person that I am today if it weren't for them.  

I am not proud to admit that I used to get annoyed at how many places we would have to go for different Christmas celebrations.  In the past few years, I have come to realize that instead of being annoyed, I should be thankful that I have family and friends to spend the holidays with.  

Every year, after opening gifts at my Mom and Dad's house, we take a family photo.  My brother-in-law, Tony, brings his tripod, and we set the timer.  This year's photo turned out really good.  We can't wait until we hopefully have a few more additions to the family in the future. 

My sister, Denise, and I also take a photo with Mom and Dad each year.  This year's photo also turned out really good.  

I think we're a pretty good looking bunch.  If you look real close between Mom and Dad, you can see my Mom's ornament that has my brother's picture in it.  Even though we knew he was there in spirit, we thought it was really neat that he got in on the family photo too.  

I'll only post one more photo.  Brady and I have the distinction of being Trevor and Kendall's only Aunt and Uncle.  Each year we also take a photo with the two of them.  They truly are two of the best things in my life.  

The holidays are a good time for everyone to sit back and realize what is really important in life.  Like I said at the beginning of this post, to me it's all about family!

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